Past Awards Gallery

List of Awards
CAPT. AVINASH & CAPT. SOMESH BATRA PRIZE comprising cash prize of Rs. 2,000/- instituted by SEAHORSE TRUST for the candidates standing FIRST in Liner Trade and Multimodal Transport subject of “Fellowship/2nd (Final) year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” Final Year Examination.
A.S. MOOLOOBHOY & SONS PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 25,000/-, 15,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for the Lady students standing FIRST, SECOND & THIRD in “Fellowship/2nd year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” Final Year Examination.

A.S. MOOLOOBHOY & SONS PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 25,000/-, 15,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for the Lady students standing FIRST, SECOND & THIRD in “Associateship/1st year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” First year Examination.
CAPT. AMULYA KUMAR SINGH MEMORIAL PRIZE comprising cash award of Rs. 3,500/- each for the candidates standing FIRST in Risk Management & Marine Insurance subject of “Fellowship/2nd (Final) year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” Final Year Examination.

NAROTTAM MORARJEE MEMORIAL PRIZE comprising a Cash award of Rs.240/- instituted by Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd., for the person Standing FIRST in the Associateship Examination.
VIMLA B. KATARIA PRIZES comprising Cash awards of Rs.1500/-, Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- instituted by Vimla B. Kataria Memorial Trust for the persons standing FIRST, SECOND and THIRD in the Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – Final Year Examination.
KANHOJI ANGRE MEMORIAL PRIZE comprising a Cash award of Rs.400/- instituted by the Government of Maharashtra for the candidate presenting the best paper on Law of Sea Transport.
KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT PRIZE comprising a Cash award of Rs.400/- instituted by the Government of Karnataka for the candidate presenting the best paper on Liner Trade & Multimodal Transport.
SMT. SUMATIBEN MORARJEE PRIZE comprising a Cash award of Rs.400/- for the candidate presenting the best paper on Chartering.

MRS. R. S. COOPER MEMORIAL PRIZE comprising a Cash award of Rs.400/- for the candidate candidate presenting the best paper on Shipping Economics & Shipping Finance.
YOGENDRA K. RESHAMWALA MEMORIAL PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs.2000/- and Rs. 1500/- instituted by Reshamwala Shipbrokers, Mumbai for the students standing FIRST and SECOND respectively in the ‘Associateship and ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – First Year’ Examination.
RAVINDRA K. RESHAMWALA MEMORIAL PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 1000/- each subject instituted Reshamwala Shipbrokers, Mumbai for the students standing FIRST in the individual papers,having cleared the examination of Associateship, Fellowship or Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – First /Final Year Examinations.
MAHENDRA K. RESHAMWALA MEMORIAL PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 2000/- and Rs. 1500/- instituted by Reshamwala Shipbrokers, Mumbai for the students standing FIRST and SECOND respectively respectively in the ‘Fellowship’ and ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – Final Year’ Examination.
MARITIME UNION OF INDIA PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs.500/- each for the candidates standing FIRST in the individual papers, having cleared the examination of Associateship or Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management — First Year and Fellowship or Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – Final Year.
WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & TRADING ASSOCIATION (WISTA) PRIZES : Cash Prize of Rs. 1000/- & Rs. 1500/- for the Lady students standing FIRST in “Associate/1st Year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” and “Fellowship/2nd (Final) Year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” Examination.

LATE SHRI S. VENKITESWARAN (VENKY), SENIOR ADVOCATE MEMORIAL PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 1500/- and Rs. 2000/- instituted by Shri V. Subramanian (Kumar), Advocate, Mumbai for the students standing FIRST in‘Commercial & Shipping Law’ subject of “Associate/1st year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” and ‘Law of Sea Transport’ subject of “Fellowship/2nd (Final) Year of Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” Examinations.
LATE MRS. JUNE RUSSY COOPER GOLD MEDAL instituted by Mr. R. S. Cooper for the candidate who stand FIRST in the combined examinations of Fellowship and Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – Final Year.
SUNRICH GROUP OF SHIPPING COMPANIES GOLD MEDAL instituted by Admiral Shipping Ltd., and Atlantic Shipping Private Ltd., for the candidate standing FIRST in the combined examinations for Associateship and Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – First Year.
SIR (DR.) C. P. SRIVASTAVA MEMORIAL PRIZE comprising a Silver Medal and a cash award of Rs.2000/- for the person standing FIRST in the combined Examination for Fellowship and Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management – Final Year
SHRI PRABHATKUMAR SHRIVASTAVA MEMORIAL PRIZES comprising cash award of Rs. 30,000/-, 15,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for the Lady students standing FIRST, SECOND & THIRD in “Associateship / Fellowship / Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management” First year & Final Year.
SMT. SAVITRI ANAND GOLD MEDAL & CASH PRIZE instituted by Capt. J. C. Anand for the candidate who stands FIRST in the combined examinations of Associateship / Fellowship and Post Graduate Diploma in Shipping Management & Logistics – First year & Final Year.